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IFAD Joint Review Mission Team Visit High Value Agriculture Project (HVAP)
Published By: Admin        on: 2017-02-06

NEPAL, 05. Feb. 2017| Recently, a joint review mission from IFAD was conducted with the staff and managers of HVAP which was led by Mr. Nigel Smith, mission team leader and Ms. Lakshmi Moola, IFAD Country Program Manager and Mr. Bashu Aryal IFAD Country Program Officer. The team was comprised with the representation from the National Planning Commission (NPC), and Ministry of Agricultural Development (MOAD), the Agro-Enterprise Centre (AEC) of the Federation of Nepalese Chambers of Commerce and Industry (FNCCI) and SNV (the Netherlands Development Organisation. The design mission of ASDP team has also joined the mission.

The current mission follows the Joint Review Mission in Jan 2016 and two Implementation Support missions in 2016.The specific objectives of the Mission were to: perform the regular supervisory, accountability and fiduciary duties in line with IFAD’s direct supervision policies; review progress in the implementation of the action plans in the priority value chains and agreed actions from the previous missions, and; support the project team to identify and resolves any bottlenecks or emerging issues. The mission additionally gave consideration to the outlook of project activities through to the end of the project and transition to ASDP.

As highlighted in the Aide memoire, overall progress remains satisfactory and has continued to strengthen in the last 12 months. As noted in previous missions, this is a mark of the excellent project leadership and management, the highly effective tripartite partnership between MOAD, AEC and SNV and the growing confidence and sophistication of the project team in applying the project core approaches. . A major highlight in the project compared to previous years is the increasingly visible and dynamic market orientation and interaction of many farmers and agro-enterprises in the supported value chains and pocket areas. Other highlights, among many, include: notable progress in expanding and deepening the service markets for technical and business services, with many smallholders and agro-enterprises willing and happy to pay for quality services, and; growing confidence and interest from the value chain actors themselves to take-over the leadership of the central MSP and interaction processes that have been at the heart of the HVAP success.

The review mission visit was conducted from 23 Jan -03 Feb. 2017 and the IFAD and the Government of Nepal endorse the findings of the mission at the a wrap-up meeting was held with the Project Steering Committee on 3 Feb 2017, chaired by the Secretary of MOAD, Dr. Suroj Pokhrel.