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HVAP Annual Review and Planning Meeting 2071/2072
Published By: Admin        on: 2015-08-06

05. Aug. 2015 |High Value Agriculture Project (HVAP) conducted its annual review and planning meeting for the year 2071 and 2072 at PMU office from 1-4 Aug. 2015. The purpose of the workshop was mainly to review the project’s 2071 activities and its activity plans for 2072 (Nepali Calendar). It was also aimed at bringing together all current and potential partners of the project i.e. LNGOs and DCCI to enable them to review and comment on activities of the project as well as discuss about potential areas of complementary (VC Gaps) cooperation in the coming phase. Hence, the meeting was breakdown in 2 phases.

The first days, meeting was organized for District Chamber of Commerce from all the project districts. DCCI executive members and staff shared their progress of last year and even shared the action for the next year.

Similarly, the opening of the second meeting from 2-4 Aug. 2015 was done my HVAP Project Manager Mr. Rajendra Bhari. As usual, the workshop was breakdown in two phases; Project Progress sharing by Local NGOs and thematic VC team in first day and second two days was alienated for action plan preparation.  The whole session was led by Mr. Krishna Thapa, M&E Expert of the project.

All the LNGOs from seven districts, and thematic VC teams shared their progress as planned last year. Likewise, overall HVAP project progress was also shared by M&E Expert.  During the progress sharing time, various issues and challenges were presented. Hence, the team has discussed on the issues, identified gaps and purposed solutions at the same time.

Rest of 2 days, whole team has exercised on action plan preparation for this year. Seven major VC team and Planning, Monitoring and Evaluation, and Knowledge Management team has prepared plan and shared to the team.

At last, as the year of project completion is coming closure, hence the HVAP Project Manager and M&E Expert trailered their plans while wrapping up the workshop and urges to focus on market led production and capacity building of local institution so as to have accomplished targeted intervention on time.